Entries from 2021-11-01 to 1 month
From next year, the evaluation will be more complex. ①Knowledge and skills②Thinking, judgement and expression③Initiative, diversity and cooperation ①:②:③=3:4:3( our school's science classes ) ① and ② are evaluated by examinations t…
Twenty-one years ago, I bought some Harumaki from a street stall in Thailand and it was excellent. I still can't forget it. I was told it was Laos Harumaki. I want to sell it at a street stall in Africa. Relaxing with my family.
We teachers do this↓. My self-evaluation of my training is A. My enthusiasm for training is second to none!
The result of the day was 10th place out of 51 teams.
The day after tomorrow, many students have entrance exams. A student will be flying to distant prefecture. Good luck !
We took part in the science Koshien Ⅱ at a university. It was the first time for us, so it was significant to participate.
The sports day of the primary school which could not be held in May took place today. I took some photos because I missed it.
This year, I teach 142 third graders "Bioligy". According to the results of this year's survey, there were zero students who did not understand ”Biology”. Zero is amazing !
Today is Foundation Day. An athlete gave a speech.
Our soccer club played good football. They were able to press back in defence. I haven't done anything, but I feel good. I told them to think about how to improve the quality.
The results of the questionnaire are now available. The teachers do not think that we should have a year-end party. They know what they should do. Even if the corona is settled, we should not be relieved.
I made something like this(↓) today. I'd rather eat sushi or something than have a year-end party.