Entries from 2021-05-01 to 1 month
Flycatcher flowers are in full bloom.
We lost again and the 3rd graders retired. Thank you for your hard work !
Last year, a quiet first grader joined our science club.She was a student who liked turtles.For a year, she never greeted me unless I greeted her.One year later, she came to talk to me for the first time."Sensei, I'm leaving the club today.
It was sports event today as well. This is "Seishun".
The sports event was successfully held today.It's held until tomorrow !
A few member of the soccer club asked our coach to resign.That would be rude to the coach, no matter how much they wanted to.In the back of the gym, I told them that you guys should resign and start a club team.Sounds like drama.
Next week, the soccer tournament starts. Today was the last Sunday training for the 3rd graders. I hope they will win as many games as possible.
We appreciated a Japanese drum (Wadaiko) performance. I thought Japanese drum (Wadaiko) was hard.
In the afternoon, we had a welcome party for the teachers in our meeting room.After that, we ate lunch box ↓.It was delicious, but the portions are huge !
The midterm test period starts today.I always take the afternoon off during the test period.Even so, I haven't never fully used my annual paid leave.
Today I spent the whole day at school making tests.Six students came to ask questions.I can tell by looking into their eyes if they are interested in me or not.But today they seemed to be interested in learning.
Finally, on May 20th, JICA will be recruiting new volunteers.If there are any good projects, I may apply.In that case, I will take a leave of absence.
The combination for the highschool soccer tournament has been decided. This will be the last tournament for the third graders. I want to make them laugh at the end !
One week before the midterm exam. There are no club activities. Many classes are self-study. I can go home at 5:00. All the teachers love midterm tests.
A young lost parrot was taken care of by our students in our schoolyard today. Do you have any information about his(her)↓ owner ?
The first and second graders are friendly as they try to build good relationships to enjoy their high school life in the future. On the other hand, the third graders are a little unfriendly. I hope that the third graders will also build go…
Finally, fish have entered our biotope ! It was a nice day. The school building is reflected in the water.
I couldn't help our soccer club and they lost in the tournament the other day .So I decided to join the practice for the first time in a year.Today, I got some good instruction.At times like this, I think that club activity is the best.Thi…